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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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am i screwed?

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Ok so I just bought a easton stealth cnt 100 flex,after breaking a 2005 stealth 100 flex, and I bought the stick today, cut it a little bit and took a few shots during my game and the stick felt like a 65flex it was terrible. Any suggestions on what I can do with this cause I don't want to have a $200 stick laying around. Thanks in advance..

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bring it back to where you bought it from, and see what they say. If they can't do anything about it, see if anyone you know wants to buy a 65 flex sr. Stealth.

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honestly i think you are just screwed. they really have no reason to take it back just because you think it is too flexy. i guess you should have bought it at a lhs and flexed it a little before you bought it

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is it just myth or do they acctually check if you broke it on purpose by the marks on the stick?

how would they? just keep taking slapshots until it breaks, hit the ice early or something

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In my experiences Easton is pretty good at dealing with situations like this. Just call them up and tell them whats wrong with the stick. Courtesy goes a long way here so dont call up and give them a attitude about the stick. Be nice, state your problem and what you hope Easton can do to help you. Let them know youve been using their product for years and that this is the first problem youve run into. Theres a good chance theyll help you out, theres also a chance theyll do nothing at all. In the US call 888-259-1297

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