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ESPN NHL 2K5 for $19.99?

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I stumbled across this last night. The link should work.


It comes out to under $23 shipped and they don't charge your card until it ships. Everyone knows NFL 2K5 is officially $19.99, but NHL 2K5 is still $49.99 everywhere but here. I e-mailed them and they said they'll honor the price as long as it was that price when you ordered. You can cancel right from their page, so it's easy to cancel if it does end up being $19.99 everywhere. Oh, and they take PayPal, too.

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I think they will give NHL the official price of 19.99 also. Hockey will definately not sell as well as football, so i doubt they would sell the NHL game for more.

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I stumbled across this last night. The link should work.


It comes out to under $23 shipped and they don't charge your card until it ships. Everyone knows NFL 2K5 is officially $19.99, but NHL 2K5 is still $49.99 everywhere but here. I e-mailed them and they said they'll honor the price as long as it was that price when you ordered. You can cancel right from their page, so it's easy to cancel if it does end up being $19.99 everywhere. Oh, and they take PayPal, too.

On gamestop.com you can get NFL 2K5 for $19.99 and it comes with free shipping. They emailed the page to me today.

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On gamestop.com you can get NFL 2K5 for $19.99 and it comes with free shipping.  They emailed the page to me today.

NFL is, but NHL is $49.99 everywhere else but CDU right now.

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I think hockey is better than football also obviously, but its not nearly as popular.

I'm saying hockey sells better than football when it comes to Sega vs. EA, regardless of which sport is more popular.

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On gamestop.com you can get NFL 2K5 for $19.99 and it comes with free shipping.  They emailed the page to me today.

NFL is, but NHL is $49.99 everywhere else but CDU right now.

What is CDU?

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