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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shawn o

Broken leg and concussion Tues night....

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Was at practice Tues night and we were doing some one on one drills and me and a teammate collided. I saw him turning towards the net and tried to avoid him but he didn't see me and we hit super hard and off balance. I hit the boards super hard sideways.

Hit with the right side of my head and my Itech HC100 got a crack in it :o Got a concussion and broke my left leg. Got a spiral fracture on my fibula above the ankle. Guess it slapped the boards hard after my head and shoulder hit. Broke right at the level of my skate boot in my XXXs, go figure...

Went to orthopedist today and it doesn't look like I need surgery but they want a followup xray in a week to make sure there isn't ligament damage (I guess then can tell that by the bone spacing). They don't think there is any damage right now though becuase I only have pain on the ouside of my leg. Also, they said there wasn't much movement in the break so I should need pins. But if they have to go in for ligament repair, they'll do pins while they're there.

I got a removable boot cast which they said I have to wear for 6 weeks and should be able to put weight on after 2 or so.

Is there anything I can do to prevent muscle atrophy? I'm planning on starting to practice lightly in about 4 weeks and be playing again in 6 weeks max. I can take alot of pain but I don't want to mess anything up permanently. I drove my manual Jetta GLI to the hospital with the broken leg operating the clutch pedal which wasn't fun. My wife was home on leave from Iraq (National Guard) and can't drive a manual.

We're in the middle of the season and I'm a starting winger on 2 teams in different leagues so this really blows right now....

Thanks, Shawn

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Seems to be a period of injuries for the MSH community!Check out the thread about the "Freak accident resulting in ankle injury".Lots of advice that could apply to your case.Four weeks seems a bit soon to be skating though.You will need to stregnthen that leg first.See my post about my son'e rehab from 5th metatarsal fracture.Rehab was guided by an orthopedic surgeon who was an Olympic skater.

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Ouch! That's too bad......be glad it's the fibula, the non-weight bearing bone in the leg and not the tibula. There is some good info on this site and others, but you really need to follow your doctor and physical therapy. The therapist should give you plenty of exercises to keep you going whileyou wait to put weight back on it. Hopefully, the swelling is not too bad.....that's the hardest part to getting motion back.

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Last week was the first week of the new mens league season here.

Player cutting hard to the net ran into the goalie and was launched airborn and landed right into the side of a teammates leg (their captain) and broke it. Couple plays later two guys from that team collided and one was knocked out cold.

Tough night for them.

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Thanks for the info. It's feeling a bit better already. Been taking alot of Ibuprofen and icing it. Swelling has gone down alot in the last day. I'm putting a bit of weight on it (I know I shouldn't but...you know). My parents are bringing over a stationary bike so I can use that for the next week until I can get to the gym easier.

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You can rest now or rest later. If you rest now you will be out four to six weeks and will be able to come back relatively strong. If you keep putting weight on it and riding a bike it will not heal well and you may very likely have chronic pain for the rest of your life. As far as preventing atrophy, there have been studies that show if you work the rest of your body you will atrophy less than if you are just a couch potatoe. So if you can do one leg squats on your good leg that is good. Do pull ups and situps and hyper-extensions and basically anything that does not require putting pressure on the bottom part of your leg. If you keep on it it will stay swollen and keep hurting.


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