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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate change question

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I recently bought my 3rd pair of skates since I started playing ice. My first skates were incorrectly sized for me so the transition from skate 1 to skate 2 was obviously different. So I just got a pair of Supreme50 skates after my nike's crapped out. I've done a couple of sticktimes and played in one game with the 50's and they just feel weak, they don't seem to be as stiff. I'm slipping out when I try and stop hard, and it's hard to keep stable when skating at fast speeds.

My question is, is the supreme50 that much of a step down from the flexlite 10s? or is this more of a "getting use to a new skate" kind of thing?

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The Flexlite 10 is a fairly top end professional model skate whereas the Supreme 50 is more of a middle of the line. It will definitely not be as stiff a skate or a skate that has as many top end features. You may have been a bit better off to get the Supreme 70 which is much closer to what the Flexlite 10 is. Regardless, you will probably just need to adjust to a less stiffer skate and that will take you a few games.

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