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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Franklin Guerin Curve?

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Did any body who have seen the Guerinr curve in franklin(mid-toe curve) know some close or clone curve on other brand??

because I'm looking for a more ''stable''compagny that I know in 2 years,it will still be able to have them in stock!!!

So could you help me out please?? :rolleyes:

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I have one now. It's nice. I think it's more like the Iginla though, rather than like the Sakic. It's got about a 5 or 5.5 lie, toe isnt as square as the Iginla, little more rounded, but the curve is basically the same. Bout 1/2 inch, mid curve, slight toe openess. It's an all around good curve. Good for toe drags and up close work, like right around the net.

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I have one now. It's nice. I think it's more like the Iginla though, rather than like the Sakic. It's got about a 5 or 5.5 lie, toe isnt as square as the Iginla, little more rounded, but the curve is basically the same. Bout 1/2 inch, mid curve, slight toe openess. It's an all around good curve. Good for toe drags and up close work, like right around the net.

ya that what i thinked that iguinla was close...but what about baeau or ccm(i think is recchi)

anyways good description buddy!

Now i gonna have to try inguinla cruve! :P

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I'm looking to buy a pack of 3 blade of franklin 9007 Guerin Right curve . But here my question

I have bought Franklin 8007 blade Guerin RIGHT handed....And I have a franklin air core 7035 with the 9007 powercore blade Guerin Curve and notice that my 8007 blade have not the same curve as my air core stick

So Do you think the composite blade(9007) will be the same as my curve stick or they will be the same as my WOOD 8007 guerin curve??

I heard some time,wood blade are cheap and are not constant,then composite that are the same blade EVERYTIME...

ps: answer would be greatly appreciate!!



What I notice is that my air core 7035 curve look more like a iginla patterns more like mid-heel then my 8007 who was like a Modano curve!!

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