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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Redstar Alloy/Wheel set up

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A few questions. Where would be the place that I could find a Redstar Alloy frame cheaper than $180? And if I got one, would it be simple to take off my current frame and mount this one? Also, if I have a skating style that's somewhat crouching, going for long strides, what wheel set up should I use, just an idea would help. Thanks.

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the cheapest i've seen them was for $170, but i forgot the store. I got mine for $129 at my rinks shop, but that was because they didnt sell many of my sizes. If/when you get them, take them to your local shop. They should be able to mount the frame. As for your wheel setup, i would go with a mid range durometer(74,76).

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I got mine for $100 cuz i worked at a store, but the best price anyone can hope for is like 170. As for wheels, I have tried most, and I used to hate dynasty's. However, I recently tried the blue dynastys, and since they are a skate grade wheel, they are damn good. You see the way wheel companies sell wheels goes like this:

SKate Grade- Almost perfect wheels. The closest to zero flaws.

Store grade- Essentially replacements, these are the wheels that your store sells. They are generally good, but usually not quite as good as the skate grade wheels.

Blems- These wheels are almost never as good as the store grade, and never near the skate grade.

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I've found myself doubting the use of buying a 30% lighter chassis when I could just bust my ass in the gym and make the weight of my skates pretty insignificant just by getting stronger. Especially on my student budget, its teh better way to go, just something to think about...

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