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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taping up helmet straps

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That would probably also make it harder to take off if you were injured and they had to tend to you on the ice.

I'd think (and you have to ask someone who refs/coaches) that would be considered a modification to the equipment, and probably wouldn't be allowed if someone saw it.

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i know what your talking about and i do it too its not taping the straps to the helmet but i fold the extra part of the strap back and tape it around itself

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I know a few people on my team like to tape up behind the strap of their helmet so that its harder to take off in a fight. Does anyone else do this and do you find it works?

when I fought regularly, I taped it and it worked good.

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On my helmet I wrapped a peice of tape around the straps on my cage right behind the plastic clip so my cage doesn't loosen when I get hit. Whenever I would recieve a high hit my cage would loosen up. The tape behind the clip stops the strap from sliding in the plastic clip and loosening my cage.

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I tape my straps for the Iron League. I don't tape them to the helmet, just fold them down. This way in a fight they don't have the option of grabbing at the loose strap, they then have to grab the button right on, which is way tougher in the heat of battle.

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i tape them just because the straps are too long. i fold the straps over a few times, then wrapped tape around them just behind the clips.

For some reason, my chinstrap is really long, and I had to tape it down. A ref spotted me with it taped to my helmet during warmups, and asked me to untape it, no penalty. Went home after that game and cut the strap.

Is cutting your strap legal?

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i tape them just because the straps are too long. i fold the straps over a few times, then wrapped tape around them just behind the clips.

For some reason, my chinstrap is really long, and I had to tape it down. A ref spotted me with it taped to my helmet during warmups, and asked me to untape it, no penalty. Went home after that game and cut the strap.

Is cutting your strap legal?

I cut the straps on my FM 480 cage because the straps were ridiculously long. There was probablby about 6 inches of excess material after the clip. I left about 2 inches of excess material and melted the end of the strap with a lighter so the end doesn't fray.

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thats the cage i have, the jofa 480, straps came way too long but i didn't have scissors or a knife in the locker room when i noticed it, now im just too lazy so i left the tape on.

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thats the cage i have, the jofa 480, straps came way too long but i didn't have scissors or a knife in the locker room when i noticed it, now im just too lazy so i left the tape on.

I cut the straps on my FM 480 cage because the straps were ridiculously long.

lol... I have the 480 too. Same cage, Same Problem.

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