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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing Steel on Graf Cobra Holders

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I bought some new profiled steel for my 705's. Would somebody be so kind as to provide step by step instructions for removing and installing the steel? I know it can't be too hard, but I would rather not mess anything up.

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After you unscrew the brass screw, pull down on the heel part of the blade, then push the steel forward (toward the toe to unhook the "fishhook" in the front.

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Unscrew the gold screw in the back of the holder, remove old blade, insert new blade. Screw in gold screw again.

Wow, uh, thanks for the help I guess :rolleyes:

Do you just pull it straight away from the holder? Do you have to pull it toward the toe and then away from the holder?

After you unscrew the brass screw, pull down on the heel part of the blade, then push the steel forward (toward the toe to unhook the "fishhook" in the front.

Thanks jimmy :D

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Is this rocket science? :rolleyes: Seriously, you asked a question, you got an answer. Just like a self-taught mechanic, jump in and learn. No need to start a new thread without even trying first.

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