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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 5K Special Edition gloves at the Monkey...

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hey bud, those are blue

well I did read it says "Royal", but that has to be the least flattering shade of blue I've ever seen. But anyways, if it turns out to be more of a Royal Blue- even better chances of someone wanting/having that color combo.

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actually it isn't that bad.. and very stylish too!! Too bad it's not my size.. maybe I will consider getting it too. It 's not very expensive either! Good price / performance ratio though!!

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hey bud, those are blue

well I did read it says "Royal", but that has to be the least flattering shade of blue I've ever seen. But anyways, if it turns out to be more of a Royal Blue- even better chances of someone wanting/having that color combo.

yeah sorry to be rude about that but i wish they were navy it would match my team colors fairly well

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Ya i would say it's a pretty safe guess that they're from the bulldogs, same color and close in proximity. the prices on the glove are below the stock price and way below what retail would be. so they must have bought them pretty cheap from somewhere. good deal if you can take the colors...

And, if they were made exclusively for Monkey, it would probably say SMU instead of special edition...

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