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Left hand (lower hand) hurting when taking slapshots?

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Hi all, I'm new here, just found this forum a few days ago and have been browsing a bit. Looks like a great place! :)

I'm not playing competitive hockey right now and I havent been doing that for some time. Quit in in my teen age, worst mistake I've done as hockey is such a fun sport. Anyway I've been skating a bit on my own at a rink and just been shooting. I never had very good shots but not too poor either. For the past few years I havent been a lot at the rink but I never used to get any pain while taking shots in my younger ages.

My upper body obviously have been getting a lot stronger so I hit the ice and flex the stick with more power now than I used to.

Its the outer part of the hand that gets hurt, I includued a picture here:


When I put weight on the marked area afterwards I feel a bit of pain, I still feel a little right now and it was 2 days ago last time I was shooting. It doesnt come instantly but after some time shooting I can feel it.

What is most likely wrong? Am I using bad technique and form? Is it just me being unused to this so I will have to struggle with it for some time till my hand gets used to it again? Can it be my equipment?

I've been using a few years old CCM wood stick, the shaft is pretty thick, maybe too thick for me? And its pretty stiff. I've tried shooting with my old hockey gloves which are pretty much used up, a bit small and stiff, so they are quite uncomfortable, and I've tried with non hockey gloves. Its possible that it went a little better with the hockey gloves but the pain still came.

I havent had a chance to try out with any other stick and gloves as I only have a few short JR sticks, but I've ordered one easton stealth st and a pair of new gloves that hopefully should be here next week.

Anyone got any ideas what I can do to solve this issue?

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Without seeing you shoot it will be tough for people to help. It sounds like it may be a stick that’s too stiff or possibly your form needs a little tweaking. Practice, practice, practice is normally the answer but you need to make sure you are practicing the right form. Maybe seek out someone who coaches/plays at your local rink for some pointers?

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If I'm reading that right...you're back playing after a long lay off...could just be that the muscles in that part of your hand are fatigued because the gripping/shooting is different to anything you would do in your regular day.

As Monty said, could be a technique or flex issue as well...

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Welcome to MSH. Thanks for providing a visual. My guess is that you're chopping at the stick, rather than laying your hand flat against it, and you're trying to shoot hard with the stick too low in your hand. If I'm sweeping the puck and trying to be accurate, I'll hold the stick in my fingers. If I'm slapping the puck, I'll hold the stick in my palm. Try to push on the broad side of the stick, and not the corners. I hope that helps you.

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Awesome, thanks for the replies guys. I figured it'd be hard to tell without seeing my technique so I just hoped someone could tell me what was most likely, and you all did. :)

I'm living in a winterland so there are many rinks to play on, these days I'm always at a public rink because they tend to be less crowded and there is no risk in running into any schedueled pratice or game so I doubt there ever are coaches there and rarely players. I have one of the best, if not the best shot, whenever I'm there. Its not flawless by any means but its pretty good. I think my technique is ok but it surely can be improved.

I havent really thought about how exactly how I have the stick placed on my palm when shooting compared to when just puckhandling, but I know I grip the stick with a firm grip when taking a shot compared to being a bit softer when only skating with it. I will try to think about it next time.

I skated for a couple of hours this afternoon and took quite a few slapshots, my hand might have gotten a little bit more sore (wasnt completely recovered before, stupid but its just so hard to stay away from the rink), but it was far from as bad as it was previous sessions. I doubt my technique would have changed very much during these few sessions I've had so I'm leaning towards my hand not being used to these kind of movements. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if it goes away with time, if you got any more tips please feel free to share.

Thanks a lot guys, I already love this place, ugh the last thing I need is another addiction. :)

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i think its most likely just your hands getting used to it. my lower hand would hurt too when i was practicing slapshots but as i got better at the slapshots my hand doesnt hurt anymore.

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I've been using a few years old CCM wood stick, the shaft is pretty thick, maybe too thick for me? And its pretty stiff. I've tried shooting with my old hockey gloves which are pretty much used up, a bit small and stiff, so they are quite uncomfortable, and I've tried with non hockey gloves. Its possible that it went a little better with the hockey gloves but the pain still came.

I think the new gloves may just do the trick. Any time I try to shoot without my gloves I get a similar pain, and have never experienced this pain with my gloves. The poor fitting and worn out gloves combined with taking a lot of shots, and the fact that you're not used to using your hands this way is likely the cause of the pain. Good luck.

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