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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sizing Question

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I wear a 9.5 in CCM vectors. I was wondering what that would convert to for Graf skates. There isn't a LHS for miles that carries Graf skates, and I've heard great things about them. I was really interested in buying a pair of Graf 502 SE skates for myself. Any help is appreciated!

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The 502 is a VERY soft boot (in comparison to most others) while the 735 is stiff. As far as fit goes, I'm not exactly certain I just wanted to give you a heads up on the 502.

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I agree with Dwayne, stiffness is the biggest difference. My girlfriend is a figure skater and she wears very stiff boots also made by Graf. She's not a hockey player and doesn't skate very aggressive, just phenomenal with her edges. She had 502s SEs for 14 months and wore them down within that time span. She's wearing Vapor XXXs now.

I wore the first generation Vector 10s in a 7E and am currently wearing 705s in a 7.5 R width. I'm working on getting custom 735s When I was at my LHS I was sized at 7.5 W on stock skates.

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I wear a 9.5 in CCM vectors. I was wondering what that would convert to for Graf skates. There isn't a LHS for miles that carries Graf skates, and I've heard great things about them. I was really interested in buying a pair of Graf 502 SE skates for myself. Any help is appreciated!

My son wears the same size Graf as he does in CCM.I think the issue is more complex though, as the heel width etc. may have some bearing on the size.Not up for a long drive to try on a pair of Grafs?

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From what I've seen, when somebody sizes Grafs they measure the following: foot length, heel width, foot width (at the ball of the foot). They also take into consideration foot height (depth of the skate), ankle width and arch. The 700 series has a similar fitting boot in the G series i.e. 735 is like the G35.

I would go get properly fit for Grafs because they do fit a little different from one skate to the next and then decide. I tried on at least 7 different models when I got mine and I have had no problems with them, (aside from punching out a small spot on my left ankle, not a big deal).

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I guess these skates aren't right for me then. I'm only 16 and I would need to go 5 hours plus to get to a Graf dealer. From Graf's website. Ifit the description of the foot the 735 was meant for, but do you think I should fully trust that?

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Don't take a chance on your size. You really need to try on a couple of pairs. You may find out that one pair you did not consider at all, fits the best.

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Thanks to a little luck and total coincedence, my coach has the same shoe size as me and just purchased a pair of G35's . If they fit like the 7 series then I will try his on and see if the 735 is right for my foot.

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