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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dr. Smushkin camps

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**and there is not a lot of individual correction in his program. You watch and figure it out and try. Repeat.**

This is my problem with him. In my opinion, on the spot correction and feedback are critical components to learning, otherwise you should just buy a DVD. .

I am going to sound like a broken record on this, but if you really want to make a huge improvement in your skating, go down to your local rink, seek out the most experienced looking figure skating instructor, and take 1/2 hour personal lesson with her 2 daya a week this summer. After that, just keep doing the edge drills for the next year or two. She will teach you to use all of your edges forwards and backwards, get perfect balance, skate forever on one foot, etc. THEN you can go find some other camps to develop hockey specific skills!

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Greg Carter "The Carter Method" uses the parallel bars & spring boards. Discusses alot of edge control and Info sounds like Dr. Smushkins. I wonder if he trained under him. Does anyone have experience with Carter's camps????

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