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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer 8000 shin gaurds

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i need to get some new shin gaurds beacuse my bauer 2000's have spilt on the knee, i was thinking of getting the bauer 8000 but i was just wondering if the size will be same from the 2000 to the 8000 i am currently a 15" will i be the same in the 8000's????

Any help welcome :D

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Not sure on the 8000 sizing but also take a look at the new Easton Synergys---really light and great protection--I just got some.

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I went from a really old pair of Vics to the Nike equivalent to the Bauer 8000's only because the Nikes are black and silver and matched all my other equipment. :lol:

The old ones where a 15 and so are the new ones, no difference in size. I believe that the 15" is a standard so almost all 15" pads should be the same size.

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I would think so--most shin pads measure the same just might be cut a little different, etc.

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I just got a pair of these.. finally traded in my oldest part of equipment. ... now Im talking canadian tire shin pads.. lol.. this Sunday I will try out my 8000's .. (and my new M-1 gloves) yeehaa.. *is excited* I dunno about the rest of you but I am a kid in a candy store when I am buying new hockey gear.. :P


PS: if anyone is reading this.. is 149cdn good for a new yellow grip synergy? thx :)


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damn...in that case pick up the entire stock and start selling them on ebay.

so im guessing its an ok price? lol

what do you think im rich? :P besides I just spend money on m-1 gloves and 8000 shins.. :P

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