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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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white tongues

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Searched around for a little bit, didn't find a topic about this exactly. I want white tongues on my one90s, but I'm skeptical about shipping them out to have it done and not getting them back for a month (plus I play junior so clearly I'm broke). I was wondering if anyone had any tried and true techniques (or just ideas) for whiting out the tongues on a one90. Keep in mind the tongue material is different from anything else so that might change things a little. Thanks guys.

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I had my salmings customized at my LHS. I wanted to get a thicker felt and they ordered it for me. They had to go through some tailoring shop, but the total for everything was like $50 (and that was pretty pricey imo).

Edit: It was just the felt. Not the entire toungue.

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I havent checked, but another option besides EWHockey, which is a great site btw, would be ebay. They always have random stuff flying around so that could be another choice

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