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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New skates (for wide feet!)

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Hey folks,

I currently skate in a pair of Bauer 20-70s, but I was away for a year last year and didn't skate during that time. I'm pretty sure my feet grew a bit (they're done now!) as since I came back at the start of this season, my skates have been causing me pain after I take them off, on the sides of my forefoot (like it's been being compressed!).

So, I'm finally looking at a new pair, so which fit the widest? My heel's fairly normal, but I've got a pretty wide forefoot...any recommendations? I'm gonna go try some on next week, but I thought I'd get some help first :)


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Mission skates come in EE and might be a good fit. I have wide feet and the toebox is so wide on my W1 that if they were a half size bigger the skates would not fit

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Thanks, I'll take a loot at them. Thing is, I live in the UK so finding skates is always a bit trickier. The plan is to find the correct size/width then order them online, as I'll save an absurd of money that way.

Teammate of mine said take a look at CCM/RBK, as they tend to be fairly wide fitting too.

Next question is bang for the buck, as it were. I took a look on HockeyMonkey, and skates around the level/price of the Vector V8 (for example) is what I'll be going for. Will take a trip to my local shop to get sizes sorted. Any suggestions/recommendations/warnings for these kinds of skates?

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I too have wide feet-i always have to get E width for shoes and the like. On a friend's reccomendation, I got the D width in missions and they seem to fit fine. In my ice days, I always skated CCM Tacks because they fit the widest (although my current Ice skates-easton airs, fit well too. Those will get sprunged here this summer since I don't think I can get replacement steels for those crazy carbon blade holders anymore)

But yeah. Missions and CCMs both, in my experience, tend to be a little wider in fit.

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From my experience, Mission is by no means wide in regular width !

Have a look at Tour, many ex-bauer guys with large feet like their fit.

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Yeah, I've got the same bad experiences with D width Mission skates. I normally wear D width in CCM and RBK. I went down half a size with EE Missions.

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I have wide feet and usually wear E or EE in skates (Bauer). When I made the switch to RBK I went down to a D fitting and they are extremely comfy.

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Said I would update with new skates..



Not sure if im gonna save them for ice or convert them to sprung.

New stick also, 75 flex Warrior Dolo with Smyth blade.

definitely check out tour.

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