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Buffalo drop-in hockey

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I was wondering if anyone here knows of any facility that offers drop-in hockey in the Buffalo, NY area (doesn't have to be the city, I live about 15 minutes south east of the city).

In particular, I was looking for summertime inline drop-in hockey. Any ideas?


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The Amherst Pepsi Center - www.amherstpepsicenter.com

There is Open (ice) Hockey just about every day during the week (it's not bad - there are usually a handful of decent hockey players there). I know that they cover one of the rinks with SportCourt over the summer, too - whether they have drop-in on it, I have no idea.

PM me if you're going to come out...I'll probably be there (skipping classes).

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Buffalo State has it 4-5:50 most days, $5.

The schedule can be found here: http://www.buffalostate.edu/athletics/docu...skatenshoot.pdf

I have not made it out there yet to participate, but I've been there after open skate when I had my kids with me. It looks like a decent number of people on the ice, but not too many. Many high school age players, a few older guys. Pretty balanced. The ice always seems good.

I'm going to get there this week and skate. If you don't get there, I'll let you know how it goes. I've been meaning to do this for a while, and now that my kids are done playing for a few months (and I'm done coaching), I need to keep at it.


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Yeah, I'd love to get out, but unfortunately I'm at college right now, out of state.

I guess I'd give ice a try, but I've only played inline (and I don't have ice skates). Any ideas for inline?

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I have not seen much roller hockey info since I saw your post.

I did drop in on the Buff State skate a couple times. It is a good time. Usually a couple guys from the school team, a few good HS age players, and a few older guys like me. Everyone seems pretty cool, and the differing ability levels are not too big of a deal. I have been away for a long time and still seem to fit in okay.

Good luck.

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