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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wax laces too waxy?

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from epuck.com.

I got a pair today and boy were they stiff. I could barely pull them through my eyelets on my Vector 6.0's. They rolled up like a sausage and stayed in that round shape (after passing through the eyelet).

Is this normal? Are there different levels of wax? I can't imagine tightening these things they are so stiff. Will they soften up over time?

PS: I read all the wax lace threads and everyone loves them, and no one talks about stiffness...

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I had a pair of overwaxed laces and they were horrible to lace up/tie. The Graf's are much better. The best deal I found was at www.eastwesthockey.net when you factor in shipping.

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