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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The lie on a stick....

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Hey all, used Roenick, Drury like patterns my entire life up until last year when a friend of mine brought me some 85 flex Stealth Grips with his own pattern...

I miss the heel curve and the ability to pass the puck more accurately, however I dont mind at all being able to snap off wristers from the off wing off the toe, which these patterns I am using seem to be...they are somewhat like Sakic patterns, mid curve with a bit of a hook on the toe...

I am naturally being drawn toward having my stick as upright at possible, using the toe more, keeping it on the ice more however, I don't want to go towards a predominate toe curve...

My first question would be, what lie am I looking for if I want to have the toe on the ice more than the heel? And my second question, can I find something like the ole Roenick Drury patterns that gives me the ability to use the toe to shoot and pass the puck as well without sacrificing the heel curve?

Thanks for the help....

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