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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate pain I'm having.

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I recently got these skates back in october and they were on sale vector 4.0's. There is a pain I noticed on my both the sides of my feet and when I take the insole out, and when i put my feet on it a little portion sticks out.

these are the dimensions of my feet and my skate.

http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/3121/picture001gf5.th.jpg -------these are the dimensions of my feet and having trouble choosing E or a D

http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/6708/picture002bn9.th.jpg ----- dimensions

http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/7900/picture003zn8.th.jpg ----- dimensions

http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/4183/picture004wb3.jpg ------- diemensions

http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/1374/picture009xm0.th.jpg ---- are the skates too long?

http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/1148/picture010nl7.th.jpg --- skate's

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Yes, I'd say the skates are to long judging by the picture of your foot resting at the insole when taken out of the skate. What width are the skates? Getting a wider skate by going up in size is not good. My guess is that you are in a skate that's 1-1.5 size to big. You would probably need an E-width at the least...

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In the summer I had a pair of grafs second hand that was 6.5 and this year when i got a new pair of skates on sale it was a 7.5, I tryed on the 7 and it was fine but wheather it was 7 or 7.5 there were pressure points at the side of my skates. When i skate on the ice really fast it hurts and my legs are shaking. I think I also need a narrower skate because my ankle shifts a lot in the skate even when i tie my hardest. My feet is weird and really is that the side of my feet sticks out when its flat on the floor =/

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Your foot/ankle looks a lot like mine... I just went through a similar problem. A salesman looked at my foot, and said "E width, easily" and sold me a pair of 7.5E skates. While the length is fine, it turned out the E width is too wide. My foot has room to move sideways.. my toes end up pointing outward, while my heel stays in place just fine.

I went back to the shop, and tried on a pair of D width, and while they weren't the most comfortable, they baked them for me.. and punched out any hotspots in the boot... I've added black Superfeet (for low-volume footwear) and they're working just fine right now.

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well wont punching out a skate take out some of the protection and superfeet is way too much 39$CDN so expensive I think my parents will kill me if I keep on buying skates lol. O well I convince them and they said fine last pair of skates and I'm thinking of some bauer vapor because its the closest fit to my ankle and is fairly wide in the middle.

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I agree that the skates are way too long.Try to find a knowledgableperson to help you.A skate that is too big can actually cause you more pain than a skate that is (a bit) too small.I don't think your feet are "weird", you just need the right skate in the right size.

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thnx but I think I need a 7 instead of a 7.5 because i read that ccm skates are 1/4 bigger and bauer skates are 1/2 so should i get 7 or 7.5 I'm going to source for sports soon and I think they are knowledgable to find the right skate for me but ill have to try most of them. I'll probably have to try the synergy's,vapors,and maybe flexlites =/.

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...well wont punching out a skate take out some of the protection and superfeet is way too much 39$CDN so expensive...

Glad to hear you are going to get some knowledgeable help fitting skates. Punching out hot spots in a skate is very normal... don't think my daughter has ever had skates that weren't punched somewhere. If done by a skilled person, it won't negatively effect your skate at all, but it sure will make them more comfortable.

As for the superfeet... they make such a difference in your skates that they are well worth the $30-40 dollars. Frankly, I wouldn't even consider getting skates without putting superfeet in them. Search some threads here on superfeet... you will find person after person saying what a difference they have made, not only in comfort but in their ability to skate. Having your foot properly aligned is important.

Shifter - are you in Toronto?

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Having your foot properly aligned is important.

Second that. My duck feet felt a lot better after the inserts.

Having what my grandma called "Alley Oop feet," I was amazed to be able to comfortably squeeze my hoofs in a 10D skate when they once clocked in (on alternating days) at size 13 in length and 4 E's worth of width.

If you decide to go the new skate route in the future, definitely give a knowledgeable store a shot. Numbers and advice like: 'Lemur-brand skates fit smaller and narrower than Smolt-brand's' only goes so far. With an activity like skating so closely dictated by the foot's connection to the footwear, there's good reason to try several brands before committing yourself and your money.

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bauer vapor is fairly wide in the middle.

Most people wouldn't agree that the Vapors are wide in the midfoot. They are more known for being a pretty narrow fitting boot.

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yes hockeymom I do live in toronto and everywhere I go to check out skates prices are sky high!!! As for superfeet I think ill wait for it and doess the superfeet absorb sweat like the Dry-grip stabilizer footbed?

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well I was thinking about flexlites because there wide but probably too wide for me ankle =/. What skates would you guys reccomend me for my feet?? I hate this time of my lfie where my feet is still growing wish they were already fully grown X_X

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well I was thinking about flexlites because there wide but probably too wide for me ankle =/. What skates would you guys reccomend me for my feet?? I hate this time of my lfie where my feet is still growing wish they were already fully grown X_X

That time will come.I personally wish I was young enough so that MY feet were still growing!Again,a good hockey store should be able to guide you as to wha skate will best fit your foot.Be careful about assuming you need to punch out your skates.A skate that is too big can cause pain because your foot is not properly aligned within the boot. Punching it out in that case will make it worse.

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