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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ottawa open Hockey

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well my season is over and I am having major withdrawl. I live in the west end and none of the rinks (krc,sensplex etc.) have any open/dropin hockey. It's hard to orginize people to rent ice ourselves so i'm wondering if anyone knows of anywhere with hockey? I think I heard the sportsplex does, but I'm not sure. Any help is appreciated. I'd also be down for playing for any mens teams if you need subs.

Thanks a lot

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As a tack-on to this thread, since it's kind of the same thing: Does anyone have anywhere to play in Ottawa over the summer? My league is over, this is the last week for the open hockey at Carleton, and I know some guys that rent ice, but the arena takes the ice out, and becomes a skatepark for the summer. In short, I'm hockey-less!

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