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Most watched teams on NHL Center Ice

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I was wondering if NHL kept track of which games were the most watched, then collect that data to see which teams tend to be most watched. I am guessing this woud quite a compliment to that team since it may mean that they have a lot fans outside their market (since local games are blacked out).

I would think hotter hockey markets like Toronto, Montreal, Detroit etc. would be high since some their fans may have moved out of town. But I am also guessing that exciting teams like the Pens would have a lot followers outside of Pittsburgh.

Just thought it would be interesting data to see if it was collected.

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The NHL can't collect the data on their own, it would have to be compiled by the cable/dish provider. Since it's all via set-top boxes it would be easy for them to capture that data.

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They should have the cable/dish providers collect the data.

I would imagine that they do. NBC and VS would be smart to use that data to select games for national broadcast.

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