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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any Mission Heliums

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I've been searching around for a while and almost nobody has any Mission Heliums in sz. 10. Are there any left. I wanted some 7500s or above.

Or should I just go get some Wickeds. I like the idea of the Wickeds but I'm worried about the stiffness of them compared to the Heliums.

Right now I have 550s and they're just about shot.

What do you guys think.

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Thats going to be a hard order to fill on the Heliums. All of the online stores are picked over with only wacky sizes left.

From the posts that I've seen on here, its mostly the Wicked 1's and 3's that people have had the most problems with the stiffness factor. Maybe consider the Wicked 5's or 7's if you're really worried about stiffness?

Good luck

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try your local hockey stores. Everything in the DC area that carries roller still has heliums in stores

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I have some size 9 7500s, practically brand new. Used 3 short games, really no scuffs or anything on them. Only thing is I'm just trying to sell the boots and chassis, I'm keeping the wheels and bearings for a custom set-up I'm working on. Let me know if you might be interested.

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ill look at work today for you, we had 3 pairs of size 10 he10000s 2 weeks ago

ill look at work today for you, we had 3 pairs of size 10 he10000s 2 weeks ago

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They are a lot stiffer, considering I broke down a pair of 550's in about a month.

The 10000s are really nice skates... I bought a pair (maybe too big by 1/2 size) but I love them all the same. They are a stiff skate, and give you a lot of support. I skate pretty hard and put a lot of pressure on my skates, but they hold up just fine and perform really well.

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If the 550's fit nice, it might take time to adjust to the 10000. If you're not looking to do that, go for the 5500 if you can find it. It is a bit stiffer, but close to the 550 in comparison to the others.

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skates can always be gotten used to... just depends on your tolerance for a little pain. They may end up fitting you perfectly, so I don't really know what to tell you. Go for what you like, and if it fits, great. If it doesn't at first, give it a little time; the skates should break in. I'm just saying that the 550's were about as soft as shoes on my feet, and none of the new higher end skates are like that. Go for whatever you can get in your size, and you'll probably end up liking it.

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Thanks for the help. I'll probably end up getting Wickeds which is okay. I'll probably wait until they get cheaper before my tryouts. Thanks a bunch for the advice though.

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