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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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quick question for you americans

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if you send something by usps to canada

how long does it usually take???

cause i bought some rollerblades off of some dude, and he sent them just over a week ago... just wondering when it would get to my house...

he said he sent it airmail (non-economy). soo yeah?

thanks in advance

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Usually it will take longer then it is supposed to.. so lets say it is a week, you can expect a week and a half to 3 weeks because quite frankly the post office doesn't care about when things are supposed to be at their destinations. I have bought many things off of ebay and rarely do they get here on time. For instance, I have bought a MP3 player off of their and it was shipped on June 15th and still hasn't arrived.. I even paid $29.99 USD for shipping for this little thing... $29.99 was what I paid to have my FAKE nike shox flied over from China in only 4 days.. what does that tell you about UPS?

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It seems that it always takes longer if the package is going to BC. I shipped a package that sat in the post office there for a week before they delivered it.

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well its not ups

is the united states postage service


so yeah... so i should expect it in about 2 weeks?

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depends on where its goin, for instance i ship from california and if its goin go to say NS, Prince edward island or even toronto, it takes at least 2 weeks. i shipped 3 sticks to a fellow in toronto and it took from june 16th until july 6th. customs also takes time too

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well its coming from IL to British Columbia...

so like 2-3 weeks?

Since it's going to BC, at least 3 weeks.

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