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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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May I gloat a bit?

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My adult league team recently completed our playoffs and I'm riding a high right now..

In the first round game, we won 4-1. I wasn't credited for any points, but I played well. In the semi-final (Sunday) I scored the first goal in our 4-0 win, and in the championship game (last night) I scored the third goal in our 6-2 win.

From the scores, it's obvious that neither goal was particularly clutch, but still, I had all of two goals in the previous 12 games. It's pretty thrilling for a low-end player like me to get any goal - much less two game winners - in the playoffs.

The goals aren't the only thing I'm happy with. In all three of our playoff games, I played what I'd consider perfect games. No turnovers, no bad decisions. Even though I was far outclassed by the competition, I won the race to every loose puck within my reach and won every single puck battle on the boards. I defended and pressured the opponents' best players, and sometimes was able to poke the puck away from them or otherwise break up their rush.

</self congratulatory, gloating post>

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To paraphrase a scene from Ocean's 12........

"Can I ask you a question? Do you think........"

"Hold on, you didn't give me a chance to respond, unless you assume the answer is yes. Which in that case, why bother asking the question if you're not going to give me the chance to respond?"

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To paraphrase a scene from Ocean's 12........

"Can I ask you a question? Do you think........"

"Hold on, you didn't give me a chance to respond, unless you assume the answer is yes. Which in that case, why bother asking the question if you're not going to give me the chance to respond?"

I'd say you responded by clicking on his topic.

Nice job though, Endboards.

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