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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New (ice) hockey skates at Great Skate

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Have you guys seen the new Reebok ice hockey skates at Great Skate? The 4K's would look sweet with a Sprung frame, maybe a Sprung frame with lime green lockers to match the green logos on the boot. And check out the new Reebok (white) 5K's and the mid range Vectors trimmed in chrome like the high end 10.0 SE's. Those are more in my price range.

Rick Henry

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Have you guys seen the new Reebok ice hockey skates at Great Skate? The 4K's would look sweet with a Sprung frame, maybe a Sprung frame with lime green lockers to match the green logos on the boot. And check out the new Reebok (white) 5K's and the mid range Vectors trimmed in chrome like the high end 10.0 SE's. Those are more in my price range.

Rick Henry

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I wondered if anyone would bust my chops about posting the topic in ice and roller. Just thought that the ice guys might be interested also and I have been told that some of the hard core ice guys don't look at the roller section and some of the hard core roller guys don't look at the ice section.

Rick Henry

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