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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stores in Connecticut?

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I will be going to Connecticut in a few days and I was wondering if there are any good hockey shops in the area? Anything anyone would recomend checking out?

thanks Michael9.

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if u really want to know a good store, theres one just outside of CT called Gateway Hardware. Its in Springfeild but its worth the trip up there, and i dont think you should go to South Windsor Arena (hockey1) overpriced way overpriced

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wesco in brookfield is definitely the best place to go..very good selection and good guys to work with

wesco in brookfield is definitely the best place to go..very good selection and good guys to work with

wesco in brookfield is definitely the best place to go..very good selection and good guys to work with

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