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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Versus network on Charter cable

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Charter cable company in Minnesota, and I believe other parts of the country are threatening to remove Versus and the Golf Channel from their channel lineup effective Wednesday, April 4. I want to have all games possible for NHL playoffs and for next season. If this affects you and you don't want to see this happen, go to these links. http://www.keepversus.viewerlink.tv/


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Man, I have to tell you that getting to watch every stanley cup game in high def on VS for free is simply great! I am really enjoying this!

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Skull- I have Dircect TV, so I am not affected (we actually dropped charter cable because they told us they were no longer offering the NHL Center Ice package,) but I absolutely feel your pain.

Links aren't working for me. Just me?

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