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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This Sucks

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some kid fell on me in the locker room, i was about leave but before i left i kneeled for some reason, and this kid fell on my back and my leg was twisted and it broke. and after a wait in the hospital for six hours, it now six weeks in a cast, and possibly surgery (i hope not)

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Geeze. and I thought the guys that skate in open ice at the aviator were dangerous on the ice.

Sorry to hear, here's to a quick recovery with no surgery.

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Did you break your femur or something else? That is a shame.A kid here broke his leg tobaggining just before the playoffs (femur)out for 3-6 months already had an operation).Hopefully, you will not need it and 6 wks means you might be able to rehabilitate over the summer.Keep us posted on your outcome and try not to despair!

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im pretty sure that it cracked in the ankle joint, doctor said he only saw something like this only once, and that was a week before. he also said that if there is a seperation then im gonna need screw put into my ankle. after lookin at the ct scan the doctor said that there is a seperation, but its small enough that im probobly not gonna need surgey, but he told me to come back on monday morning so that his boss can look over it and confirm whether or not i need that screw. lets just hope he says no surgery.

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best of luck... whatever the case, take rehab seriously if you want a long hockey/sporting lifestule.

I've been thru a total of about 14 months of rehab in the last 10 years... and its starting to take its toll...

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Ya I just recovered from a broken wrist, Broke while playing in a game but anyways just hope you have a healthy recovery and your back playin soon. Good Luck.

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update: came back from the hospital (the doctor had to decide today whether or not i need surgery), and she said she talked with the orthopedic surgeon, he looked at the x-rays and said that the break is alligned in such a way that if it was a little bit to one side or the other that i would need surgery, but the way it is i dont. i gotta go every week to the doctor for x-rays now just to follow up on the allignment of the break, but hey it beats surgery.

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