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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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starting quickness

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Google Toe Kick Skating and Toe Snap Skating....you'll find video with those searches....make sure your not on figure skating sites :P

With kids I coached last year I noticed emphasing toe snap made them finish their strides, effectively giving them a longer stride. Your mileage may vary but we found the most benefit all year from skating instruction was when the toe kick concept was introduced. I'm talking regular skating stride, incorporate pushing off toe then and it will be natural in your 'running start'.

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After further skating I realised one component of the quick start that I was missing. I was turning the skate out but not so much the knee/leg/hip.

Just a little more opening of the hip has helped with the first push. Thanks to all for the posts, hope others got as much from it as I did!!

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