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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Titan Blades

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Hey guys if anyone remembers the Titans blades from the 90's which current pattern would match the white Selanne blade? I've done a search and it seems that the Sakic pattern is a good match. This has been bugging me because the blade felt great and i haven't been able to find a pattern since that I'm really happy with.

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Titan Infusion, right? I absolutely loved those things in the Selanne pattern, and made a great score on 10 of them on eBay a few years ago. I used them all up for outdoor inline, and only have one left that's well worn down, but I keep it to curve newer blades to the same shape. I just compared that one to 2 composite Modanos (one easton, one RBK) which is the pattern I use now, and they are very close. The curve on the Selanne is a bit more mid than the Modanos (not by much) and maybe just a hair deeper. The Selanne also has a square toe and was a taller blade. Although the bottom is worn on the Selanne I have, I remember wear on the bottom being very even from the start, and the blade had a rather flat rocker with a 5 lie.

I'd try out a modano clone, or perhaps a CCM Recchi. A Sakic is too toe-ey and too open to match up to the Selanne I've got.

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Titan Infusion, right? I absolutely loved those things in the Selanne pattern, and made a great score on 10 of them on eBay a few years ago. I used them all up for outdoor inline, and only have one left that's well worn down, but I keep it to curve newer blades to the same shape.

I loved those... I was a fan of the Claude Lemieux pattern. I bounced back & forth from the Titan Infusion blades and woodies, and the Canadien C20 replacement blades. I miss the old Canadien sticks..

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