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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS response plus OPS

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I broke the blade of my TPS response plus and want to cut down the shaft and replace the blade. It seems like I need a tapered blade for this shaft. 1) is that correct, i need to find a TPS tapered blade in a brendl curve, and 2, does anyone know which TPS blades are tapered and would fit this shaft?


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I put a TPS tapered blade on mine after it broke. The blade lasted about 7 or 8 games, then broke. I put a Warrior tapered blade with the same curve (Tucker and Draper respecitvely) and have played a good 25 or so games/pick-ups and its still solid. The warrior worked best for me. Blades are marked either "regular" or "tapered" on the side.

Hope this helps.

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Bmplam, TPS Tucker and Warrior Draper are NOT the same pattern.

DMBeer, a search for "cutting OPS" should help you find what you're looking for.

The stick can be cut for either tapered or standard blades, your choice.

Cutting OPS

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Bmplam, TPS Tucker and Warrior Draper are NOT the same pattern.

DMBeer, a search for "cutting OPS" should help you find what you're looking for.

The stick can be cut for either tapered or standard blades, your choice.

Cutting OPS

You are correct, they are NOT the same. Similar would have been a better description. The Draper was the closest match on the shelf at my LHS and it has been a great blade none the less. After the origional stick broke, I had turned the stick over to put a standard Tucker blade in what was the butt end and the stick never felt right. When that blade broke, I found the warrior tapered blade, turned the shaft back over and it feels better with this set up than it did new!

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