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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tps r2 armor shaft length?

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could someone tell me how long the tps r2 armor sr. shafts are? without the butt end would be the best. i can't seem to find the dimension or last year's catalog anywhere. thanks.

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unrelated note - nice username. ALL dillinger escape plan rules.

fixed that for ya', lol. i agree a little, but last album was pretty good. the new album will rock though (september).

bump for the shaft question.

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unrelated note - nice username. ALL dillinger escape plan rules.

fixed that for ya', lol. i agree a little, but last album was pretty good. the new album will rock though (september).

bump for the shaft question.

yeah i do enjoy all of it, my roommate was talking about the new one the other day. will be interested to hear it. also interested in your question on the R2. been looking into one of these actually.

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