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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RM19 SOP's

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Yup, apparently I was scraping the bottom of what they had from when you went because they were on clearance. I think it was something like $80/stick I got, then about $30 total for shipping. Insane and I'll be harassing them this summer I'm sure.

Mack, Im going to the warehouse sale again in August so Ill give you a heads up then if you want me to look for anything.

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Awesome, I'd appreciate that. The usual though, anything wedgy/open like the Arnott or even flat as long as it had shovel. Blades, OPS, anything.

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Yup, apparently I was scraping the bottom of what they had from when you went because they were on clearance. I think it was something like $80/stick I got, then about $30 total for shipping. Insane and I'll be harassing them this summer I'm sure.

Mack, Im going to the warehouse sale again in August so Ill give you a heads up then if you want me to look for anything.

I was kinda mad I missed the tent sale last year... luckily, the Braintree location still got a lot of decent clearance stuff just before the tent sale. I'm planning on going this year too....I'm hoping I have a damn job by then.

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