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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Law Goalie

Toughest/most durable holder and blade?

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I'm going to add my vote to anything Tuuk. I have a pair of 9k's and absoltely hate the E-pro, having to replace 6 rivets and get them remounted with like 3 more copper rivets. They're okay now, but i have never had a single problem with anything made by Tuuk besides the occasional blade click. Bottom line is Tuuk=Tough

Edit: 6'3 205lbs

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I had a ('86 maybe) pair of Bauer Chargers that had holders marked ICM, but they looked just like regular TUUK to me

My chargers have ICMs on them. the steel in them is not the best I've ever seen, but they still make my feet feel like they're glued to the ice. too bad the boot has zero protection...

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Not to change the subject or anything, but I have heard great things about mission's pitch holder too. I talked with an old friend of mine who swore by tuuk customs (used them for as long as I known him). I asked him what he was skating on and he told me he got a pair of AG's a little while back. I assumed that he would put on a set of tuuks on them but when we met up he had left the pitch holder on them. He said that he wont ever go back to tuuks after using his pitch holder.

Sounds like me when I got my first pair of S500s.

Same here, I never thought I could be so attached to steel.

Bought a pair of 6.5 EE 110 XPs at a really good price to tide me over, they're a little long and too narrow. Just picked up a pair of Graf G9 W too fit my circus feet. The Graf steel is like skating on dull/nicked blades compared to the Missions, and to top it off I'm having fit issues.

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