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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XIX's, XXV's or 8090's?

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Let's get some good ol' reviews here from what you may know or have heard about the above...I've been in Graf 707s for going on 4 years now and while they're comfortable as slippers, the weight has always been an issue. I'm looking to get back into a pair of Bauers, so lemme hear some reaction.

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Here's my reaction. If you fit into those two Vapor models, you won't fit into the 8090 and vice-versa. Otherwise, search for information, or maybe even the review section for some reviews.

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Here's my reaction. If you fit into those two Vapor models, you won't fit into the 8090 and vice-versa. Otherwise, search for information, or maybe even the review section for some reviews.


BEAUTY review...Thanks for directing me there, and my apologies for not looking around the forums in the first place. Looks like that'll be my next skate purchase.

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I always wore Vapors's my last skates were vapor X's and this year i got 80-90's no problem! Maybe it's just my foot or something?

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I always wore Vapors's my last skates were vapor X's and this year i got 80-90's no problem! Maybe it's just my foot or something?

Me too but my vapors were EE and 8090 were D. but iam guessing the vapor xix and xxv fit differently.

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