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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey shops.

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I'm heading down to the usa, from calgary alberta. going to salt lake city and las vegas. anyone know of any good hockey shops around that area? (by good i mean shops with decent prices and have up to date products.)

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Helpful hint #1 -

Go to whatever brand name's website and click DEALERS...

They should have a listing of stores in that area that are authorized.

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I'm heading down to the usa, from calgary alberta. going to salt lake city and las vegas. anyone know of any good hockey shops around that area? (by good i mean shops with decent prices and have up to date products.)

Las Vegas Ice Center

9295 W. Flamingo

Las Vegas, NV 89134

Pokey Reddick runs the store. Awesome guy. Mainly a Bauer, Easton, Mission selection. I was just up there for a tourney.

In Salt Lake City, try Hockey One. Ask for Darren.

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