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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2007 RBK elbow pads

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What are the differences in the 4k-6k line of elbow pads versus the 3k-5k line? I can read what it says about ASD construction vs. FITLITE construction. But what does this really mean? Do they fit differently, like on the shins with suspension straps?

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Thanks guys.

I'm in the market for new elbow pads and my LHS got the new ASD line but not the FITLITE line. I could tell the ASD line was just like last year's (although I like how the middle strap crosses). Then I saw the FITLITE on sale at HockeyMonkey, and was wondering if it's different enough than the ASD. Guess I'll wait a bit to try the FITLITE at the LHS.

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