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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shaft Questions....

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I used to have a CCM Catapult - I found it a really nice stick. I prefered it to the old Ultra-lite I had, but that could have been because I'm quite tall, and the Catapult came in a XL length. Still, I could shoot at least as well with it, and it lasted about the same as my two previous UL's.

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sence your about my size i think you should go for an intermediate stick. it would have better flex and you probly would just need to take out the extention. Rubbers are a very nive stick and the only thing it did to my gloves was make the palms black.

My M-1 OPS were Intermediate. My taste for sticks weird. I like some JUNIOR WOOD sticks. Of course im not going to use these in games, but playing pickup with a few buddies, I love the shots I can release with junior sticks. So I decided to pick up the JUNIOR CCM Catapult to see how I like the shaft+blade JUNIOR combo opposed to a junior wood. Overall, I'm gonna probly be spending $1000 experiementing with shafts and new OPS within the next couple months.

Dude, send me some of that money and i'll do the experimenting for you! :lol:

If you are willing to spend that much then try out some whip TPS stuff (Redlite, RL XN10 etc.)

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My 2¢: the cyclone and the z-bubble. I use a cyclone most of the time with the z-bubble as a backup, both with z-carbon blades. Makes for a nice combination.

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