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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton S4 Gloves?

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I picked up a pair of black/silver/white Easton S4 gloves on saturday for a pretty decent price of $45. They were comfortable when I tried them on though not as comfortable as my previous pair of Vapors V's. After wearng them for about an hour straight of stick handling and shooting the padding of the inside right thumb has rubbed my thumb raw and took the skin right off. If you feel inside the glove where it is rubbing it has a VERY hard and pointy piece of plastic angled just above wear my thumb sits. It just feels like an overly hard piece of plastic that is intended for padding but it had a very sharp edge to it. I had to actually take the glove off and skate with only one glove.

I no longer have the reciept should I take them back to the store even though I know they dont have any other glove I would want to exchange them for? or am I better off trying to go through easton themselves? My thumb is red and blistered... :rolleyes: Will the store even take them bck since I played in them?

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Take it back they sold you a broken product. Any GOOD company should do this. You have proof. Show them your hand. Also write easton a friendly but to the point letter. Be kind about it but let them know you are not happy. Odds are they will send you something even if its not a new pair of gloves. Stickers, coupons, etc.

In my advertising class we had to write complaint letters and mail them out. Some one wrote easton baseball and they got a $50 voucher back and a letter.

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