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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should i consider t'blades

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I need a new pair of skates and am looking at ccm vector pro, graf 707,graf727and graf 735. I have been finding out more about t'blades but i need to know more about them and if i should consider them. Are arena is very new but the ice is very good but the guy who sharpens skates has only been doing it for a year and he doesnt have the greatest equipment but he does a alright job he took classes. But when i skate after a sharpen the i lose the edge every quick but when i go to Play It Again which is an hour away the edge last a very long time. Also some times when he sharpens them the blades do not catch the ice that good. i want to buy a top of the line skate but i feel the steel will not last as long when he sharpens thems. I dont like paying for sharpens and get a terrible job and a skate over 300$ i want it to last a long time. Im not sure about t/blades though i know you replace them and they last longer and the blades have the same feel evey time you replace them. Does the feel change and it looks like the plastic would touch the ice and what kinda noise do they make. Noise does not bother me but is the plastic whould touch and the feel of skating i would not like it. And buying blades do you have to have a scertain screw driver to change them. also when you buy graf 735 do you get any extra blades

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Whew...I read that and was out of breath!

Back to topic - Sounds like you're an excellent candidate for t'blades. It saddens me to hear of some hack who's bastardizing my profession. LOL

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The sound they make is comparable to the same sound you would hear when you weight about 350 lbs and you skate with regular skates, they make a crunching noise like you really dig into the ice.

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i think i will invest in them this coming season. do get any extra blades when you buy graf735 of any models with t-blades and do yuu have to buy special wrenchs.

i think i will like the sound

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You get a tool when you buy them. Plus, I found when I had mine, the sound only asts for no more then 2 ice times. I dont know if its because they get a bit more dull, or if my ears just got used to the sound. What Iam saying is, if you dont like the sound, you dont hear it non stop for as long as you have the blades.

At least thats my experience.

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I know you should get a tool with your purchase, but it's made out of some sort of plastic, and wears out easily. You can get one made out of aluminum, I think and they last pretty much forever. As for extra blades, you have to pay, they only come with one set with purchase.

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well i will have to try 735 on or they say that there a similar fit to graf 703 and the Playit again which is any hour away they have them. But im going Detroit next week and might go to the Bauer and Nike Show in livonia i hope they have grafs and not just the bauer and nike.

Thanks for all your help

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You get a tool when you buy them. Plus, I found when I had mine, the sound only asts for no more then 2 ice times. I dont know if its because they get a bit more dull, or if my ears just got used to the sound. What Iam saying is, if you dont like the sound, you dont hear it non stop for as long as you have the blades.

At least thats my experience.

samething for me,I have t blade and first time i used it was like wooooouuuuuooooo :lol: i LOVE the sound they make!! Iwas like a lil 6yr old kid who was playing with toys car lolllz

by the way,it weird to me too,after about 3hours of skate with t,blade you do not headr nothing(ok ok it not true but they make about the same sound as any other blade)

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