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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS response problem

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I have been having trouble with the end plug it came lose and every the puck hit the stick it would make a loud chink and cracking noise so i took it out and it never made the sound i went and got a new one and after a few games i started doing the same thing. Every shot seemed to lag when it was loose what is wrong with the end of my stick

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Well that didnt work, tape wouldnt go into the shaft when i put it on the tenon. It just bunched up and wouldnt go in the shaft

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You're doing it wrong Regina Kid. What JR is talking about looks like this:




-------- ( a ) ---------> ( b )

Ok. (a) is the butt-end and ( b ) is the part that you stick in the shaft (the tenon). Using one long-ass piece of tape, start from (a), go to ( b ), wrap around ( b ), and come along the other side of the tenon back to (a). The tape can't bunch up this way because of the wrap around.

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