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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stiffness of the Fuel 95 XP/AG skates

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The 1200C is probably stiffer overall because it is a composite/fibreglass mix. Not a 100% sure if the Fuel 95 has a PU stiffner in the ankle area but they are still have a fairly stiff ankle piece. Both skates are good for high end play and are both excellent skates.

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Thanks duch. I own the 1200Cs, but might be considering adding another pair of skates to my collection (a new shaft comes first, though). I had to replace the parabolic 2 runners on the Eastons because I was flexing them too much (I'm pretty heavy). But that made me wonder whether the skates I was interested in were comparable. Thanks again.

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If you're in Eastons right now, you'll likely prefer the XPs to the AGs, as the XPs are stiffer overall, and higher cut than the AGs, as are the eastons. As always, it would be best to try them on in store.

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