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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL/AHL/CHL/ etc. lettering?

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Hello, I recently started a new local company cutting/lettering hockey jerseys with my new ioline cutter and I am still searching for numerous patterns to use in corel draw with vector files? Does anyone know of any sites that have old/new NHL vector files for vintage jerseys/new NHL jerseys, OHL/CHL/AHL/WHA etc????

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks again!

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I actually spoke with Stahl's via phone yesterday about this since my "sew CD" disk that came with my ioline cutter from Stahl's only has 4 different numbering/lettering fonts which is normal. But I asked about how to get different NHL/CHL/AHL/OHL fonts etc. and the Stah's rep seriously told me " I had to steal them".....

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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