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TPS NX10 broken blade

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I did a bit of searching and couldn't find any info.

My friend broke his blade on a pro stock NX10 and is now trying to take it out. I think I read before some people heated up the shaft and were able to remove the blade.

I heated up the shaft with a heat gun and clamped the tenon of the blade onto a machine shop vice clamp. I pulled as hard as I could and it would not come out. I wiggled the shaft side to side and was able to slightly seperate the fusion of the tenon and shaft. I could see the resin, but there was no way of heating it up further and removing the blade.

So my question is it only select NX10's that you can heat up and remove the blade ? Maybe its only the retail models where you can heat up the shaft and take the blade out ?

Anybody have any luck ?

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fastmiele - it's actually XN10. Try the search now.


oh, I see. That explains why I only came up three hits. Two started by myself.

Hmmm. after all these years I never noticed it was xn10 instead of nx10. I carried on the error for a long time. Thanks for the correction.

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