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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 2090 vs. Bauer 5090 skates

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I work at a shop and we have both the 2090 jr and 5090 jr skates. The 5090's aren't even in Bauer's catalog. Does anyone know the difference in the skates? They look the same, only slight color differences, the stiffness seems the same, almost the same liner. And the kicker.....they both have Tuuk Custom Plus w/stainless steel. I'm just bored at work and my co-worker and I were wondering if anyone knew the difference. Thanks


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tell chuck to get to work!!!! i want the inventory on those bristol socks done before you leave tonight!!!!!


As far as the difference between the 2090's and the 5090's go. The liner is the only thing that comes to mind...what was the price diff?

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Differences are, 1/4 package material on the 2090 is slighly down spec'd, & trim overlay materials are 1.4mm thick vs 2.0mm on the 5090.

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