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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice hockey -> roller -> Ice hockey

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I was wondering, if I took a pair of skates intended for ice hockey use, and put a roller chasis + roller blade whells onto it, will i be required to drill new holes ? I want to buy another pair of Vapor XXX, or pick up a pair of XXXX's cheap from ebay. Will they be fine to do this, and then put the tukk holders back onto them and use for ice again ?

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most likely you will need to drill new holes, not all manufacturers will have the same bolt configuration.

Suggest just getting two sets, one for roller and one for ice. Saves the trouble...

As for tape, i only tape the bottom of the blade, from heel to toe. I dont wrap it around like you normally do for ice.

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some management couldnt care less about their tennis courts. Also, the guys could have some sort of agreement if the courts arent used regularly....

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Had the police called last summer, Three courts open, but the people wanted THAT one, of course we did not leave. At least until the officer told us to.

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