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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About OhMyGodImOnFire

  • Birthday 03/02/1908

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  1. I love where the goalie stick ends up towards the end
  2. oh, ok. Do the storm and the typhoon have the same jerseys?
  3. Hey Hoffer and Swiss17, which teams are you on? and Hoffer, is that a York Storm jersey? I guess it could be anything-its a stock jersey.
  4. I gotta say, jon93, the goalie looks pretty sick in that pic.
  5. I'm ok with just that one, average sized picture, but what really gets annoying is when people quote and requote and rerequote really, really BIG ones.
  6. Top of the line skates? I thought the XXX was the top. Anyways, glad to see they're working excellently for you. and thorpedo26, please don't quote all of those jumbo sized pictures just to say "crazy holders"
  7. do you usually do that to your sticks and are used to it?
  8. Are they testing the current sprung frame, or a different, goalie-specific one? I thought I heard some durability issues (puck its an arm, which breaks) which would be a bigger concern for goalies. Thicker ones, or different material maybe?
  9. So, why not make a sprung frame that's engineered to do that? I guess one reason that I'm itching to try one is because, as a goalie, I feel left out of the sprung world :D.
  10. Because the better the skates look the faster you go :P Did you need to polish your edges at all? And you got a pic of the 690..wanna see that angle of the visor you mentioned. I just got one of my files down and softened the edges and then I used my air sander to get them smooth enough. heres my 690 if you need a better pic pm me.. What's an air sander? its an air-powered tool that uses air to power whatever tool head you have on it so I used a small disk to cut off a old rusted screw on my helmet and then I used a small snad paper disk to sand the edges down to make it smooth ah, I thought you literally used air to sand it. thanks.
  11. Because the better the skates look the faster you go :P Did you need to polish your edges at all? And you got a pic of the 690..wanna see that angle of the visor you mentioned. I just got one of my files down and softened the edges and then I used my air sander to get them smooth enough. heres my 690 if you need a better pic pm me.. What's an air sander?
  12. Quick question about hanging skates, gloves: Should you hang them with the opening pointing down, sideways, or up, and why? Or does it even matter?
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