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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Buying Bolts

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I was wondering where you could get full sets of single sided bolts (not quite sure exactly what they are really called) the kind from Mission Generator Chassis. Can't seem to find any around here and the bolts I'm using now constantly come loose.


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try a drop of thread lock on them. Do they screw directly into the chassis? If they do put the thread lock on the chassis so you don't get any on the bearings.

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try a drop of thread lock on them. Do they screw directly into the chassis? If they do put the thread lock on the chassis so you don't get any on the bearings.

Also, let the stuff dry first. I made this mistake once and had to use pliers to get my axles through the spacer.

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PM me if you want... i"ve got some from the MG chassis that I can send you for free... not sure if you can use them though.

This goes for anyone as well! if you need any spare axles from the MG chassis, let me know. I've got about 6 I think...

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yuip! those are the exact ones from the red MG chassis. same skates as the ones with the sole seperation, and eyelet tearing.... <_<

I've just checked and I've got 6 of them sitting in my spare kit box. There are used, just that I kept them from the old skates when they were beyond hope...

If you interested, PM me and I'll send those to you, all you need to do is cover the shipping. As always, first come first serve... wont count if you just reply to this thread. Sorry to hijack the thread ratfinklives. Just to add to that, those blue ones will strip again pretty quick. You may want to consider getting some new chassis instead of hunting for new bolts again. $5.99 each, and at 8 bolts a full set, you may wanna consider getting a full new chassis for that price. Some of the guys here, including myself have some for sale if you are interested.

got meetings the whole day tomorrow, so will check back tomorrow evening or something.

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try a drop of thread lock on them. Do they screw directly into the chassis? If they do put the thread lock on the chassis so you don't get any on the bearings.

use blue not red lock tite. trust me youll never get them off(without heat) if you use red.

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try a drop of thread lock on them. Do they screw directly into the chassis? If they do put the thread lock on the chassis so you don't get any on the bearings.

use blue not red lock tite. trust me youll never get them off(without heat) if you use red.

I forgot to mention that.

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