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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood RM19 SOP

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Synergies are supposed to be 60" long new I believe, the RM19 would be 3" longer.

Is this measurement the entire stick (toe to top of shaft) or from the base of the shaft to the top of shaft only?

Okay, if I measure from the bottom the shaft where the heel begins to the top of the shaft, then I get 60" on my Easton Synergy ST. So, following this measurement, if the RM19 is 63", then I'm looking at cutting 8.5 inches off the shaft! If Oggy 3 is right (1"=3 flex points), then I'd be changing the flex from an 85 to whopping 110.5! And I think my RM7 95 (prob more like 100+) is way to stiff for me!

If anyone else wants to weigh in on this flex issue for the LONG RM19, I'd appreciate it. It looks like unless I can get a 75 flex this $220 stick would be way to stiff for me. Maybe I should just get another RM7, 85 flex this time (the 75 intermediate is like skinny rubber in my hands). I just wish it wasn't so heavy and tankish....

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Has anyone broken and cut a RM19 down, I bought Jason Chimera's stick with a broken blade and I am wondering were to cut?

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