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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ankles rolling over

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I just got a new pair of missions as stated by my last post and well I was hoping that they supple fit would help solve this problem I have been having with skates. The inside of my right foot has always rubbed very hard against the inner side of the boot. I have this part on my foot where the bone pertrudes rather largely (not the ankle) but its right infront of my ankle. Could the problem be that my ankle is rolling over because of the arches of my feet being too high? Sorry if this is confusing, I tried my best.

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So your right foot pronates "inward" when you skate? If your arches on your feet are too high and the boot doesn't support them you may pronate inwards like you said. You may want to get a custom footbed (superfeet grey) or an orthotic if you have the $$ for one. You're preaching to the choir about arches though, I've probably got the highest arch of anyone on this board.

Are you feeling pain in the arch when you skate and when you're pronating? If so that's a sure sign that your arch is too high for the boot (the pain is when your laces/boot are crushing your arch down to meet the boot).

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To my knowledge from orthotics for running shoes, high-arched-feet tend to suppinate whereas flat feet tend to pronate (Suppination: foot tends to put too much weight on the outside part of the foot... pronation: same but on the inside part of the foot.).

So I think his issue is not about pronating but moreso about lacking arch support.

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To my knowledge from orthotics for running shoes, high-arched-feet tend to suppinate whereas flat feet tend to pronate (Suppination: foot tends to put too much weight on the outside part of the foot... pronation: same but on the inside part of the foot.).

So I think his issue is not about pronating but moreso about lacking arch support.

High-arched feet pronate rather than suppinate in skating. The only way a high-arched foot will suppinate is if it has TOO much arch support. He's pronating because his arch is not fully supported, the arch has nowhere to go but to pronate.

Supination is much more rare on any type of foot flat or high-arched.

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